Online forms

Pet application

    Applicant & property details

    Applicant details

    An application on behalf of a tenant must be submitted via either letting agent or owner to ensure that owners permission has been sought.

    Pet details

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    • 1. The occupier of the said lot is to ensure the pet is not to cause disruption or nuisance to the peaceful living and enjoyment of other occupants on common property or within their lots; and

    • 2. The pet must be registered (if applicable), vaccinated (if applicable) and generally well looked after at all times; and

    • 3. Copies of certificate of registration, vaccinations and/or other information as deemed reasonably necessary must be supplied to the Committee within seven (7) days upon receipt of written notice; and

    • 4. The pet is not to roam on any part of common property, must be in the presence of a responsible person and properly restrained at all times when traversing common property for the sole purpose of being brought on to and off the scheme land; and

    • 5. The occupier of the said lot shall ensure any animal litter and/or waste is effectively and promptly disposed of off the scheme land so as to avoid any health hazard and odour; and

    • 6. The pet must be kept within the boundaries of the occupants lot (including any exclusive use areas) at all times; and

    • 7. Transportation to and from a unit via an internal lift (if applicable) may only be done so when the lift is not occupied; and

    • 8. Approval is for the approved pet only and cannot be transferred to any other pet(s) without body corporate written consent; and

    • 9. Should the Committee receive a substantiated valid breach of any of these agreed Terms and Conditions, the Committee can serve written notice on the occupant(s) of the lot for failure to adhere to these conditions. If the issue(s) identified are not resolved to the Committee’s satisfaction, within seven (7) days, a second and final notice will be served with notice to remove the offending pet from the lot immediately, without further consultation, notice or right to dispute.

    The BCCM Act, Schedule 4, Standard by-law states that an occupier is to have written approval from the body corporate before bringing or permitting an invitee to bring an animal onto the lot or common property. Bodies corporate can use standard by-laws or create their own. We recommend that you review the body corporate by-laws applicable to your property so that you can address any conditions included in the by-laws.

    The body corporate committee may provide approval subject to conditions, and may rescind approval if the conditions are not met. An adjudicator may make an order requiring a person to remove an animal and to keep it away from a lot and/or common property – Sch 5 (18) and (19). For further information contact the Office for the Commissioner of Body Corporate and Community Management on Tel: 1800 060 119 (call back service),